We have been sharing “Good News” about our upcoming Cross of Glory Yard Sale in August – and Saturday, August 19 is the official date! In preparation for that special event, you now know what to do with those unused, unwanted items you have put aside for our Yard Sale making space for additional “needed” items found only at our Cross Of Glory Yard Sale!!! It’s a win, win!!!
Some items have already been brought to Cross of Glory on Sunday mornings and placed in a designated area in our Fellowship Hall. Additional times will be announced when someone will be at the church to receive more items. If you happen to have items and a specific time works best for you, contact Shelly Blakely at 303-549-0056 to see if someone might possibly be able to meet you at the church.
This year, as a monumental help, please, please, please put a price tag on your item before you donate it to church. We want to make money for our church but don’t be outlandish either. By pricing the items, this will save Cross of Glory folk the formidable challenge of pricing all items donated. Remember: We will NOT be receiving mattresses, electronic items such as computers and televisions for our Yard Sale. Help will be needed sorting, perhaps pricing, putting items in the yard, shutting things down, etc. You would be paid nothing for your assistance but certainly would be considered a prime candidate for sainthood. How about it? Please talk with Shelly Blakely or a council person about your willingness to help!