Cross of Glory looks radiant in preparation for December, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day when our sanctuary becomes very festive with altar flowers, lights and ornaments from our Christmas tree and poinsettias. Thank you for being willing to add to the beauty and decorate our altar area at the same time by sponsoring flowers and poinsettias to honor and remember a special person and/or occasion.You will find the flower sheet located in the narthex to select a specific Sunday. Olive Keefer does a marvelous job ordering poinsettias for our church each Christmas. If you wish to purchase a Christmas poinsettia, please indicate your intention on the sign-up sheet in our Fellowship Hall by Sunday, December 15.Our Christmas bulletins will reflect your poinsettia and the designation behind it.
The cost of plants and altar flowers is $15.00.
December 1 – Kelli and Scott Dankenbring
December 15 – Don Welle
December 8 – Lisa Schmidt
December 22 – Brauckmuller Family
December 29 – Poinsettias
When making payment, please designate “altar flowers” and/or “poinsettia.”