Plan to be with us Monday, December 24, at 4:00 PM for this year’s Christmas Eve Celebration. We are hoping that a 4:00 PM Christmas service will encourage even more children – and their families – to join us for worship! We are also hoping that an early 4:00 PM time allows people leery of driving at night to participate with us without reservation. Hopefully, members of our Cook Park neighborhood will worship with us as well as we offer our community more options to participate! Join us for the miracle, the magic that is Christmas Eve worship!
Then, the next morning, “Come let us adore Him” AGAIN! Cross of Glory is one of the few area churches to offer a Christmas Day Service. Join us on Tuesday, December 25, at 10:00 AM for yet another opportunity to praise God for the Bethlehem gift that was…and continues to be!
Pass the word! Bring family members and neighbors! Encourage your work buddies and classmates to join you! Let us have our sanctuary packed on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as we thank God for His love!