For many years now, on the third Sunday of each month, following worship at Cross of Glory, we honor all those members and friends of our congregation BORN during that month. Lucky you! Our Cross of Glory Congregational Choir sings “Happy Birthday” to YOU celebrants! AND, IF YOU are worshipping in person in our COG sanctuary, you will be served dessert in our Fellowship Hall after church, maybe even first! February is no exception!

We have added another “enticement” each third Sunday of each month: Our Potluck Luncheon! Not only are we “honoring” our Birthday folks, but EVERYONE who enjoys eating!!  Charlene Brauckmuller and Dee Mayer, living in AZ, with the help of Vada Danforth scheduled to help with our Fellowship meal for  Sunday, February 19, have announced a “theme” of SOUP! They will provide the dessert while YOU have the opportunity to bring a Potluck sharing that all others, no doubt, will enjoy! How delicious (and fun) does that sound? Please, indicate on the sign-up sheet posted in the Fellowship Hall what food item you will provide! That information is helpful for the hostess. Thank you!