And an update on Opening our Building this next Sunday. Only a handful of people responded to my many emails of this last week asking for the Opening of the Building input. Of the few that responded, half said they would NOT be attending given continued concerns about the virus. To that end, we will NOT be Opening our Building generally to the public on Easter. If you are one of the few who responded that you would like to be in worship on Sunday mornings in our sanctuary, you are welcome to come. Please understand and remember however that we will be worshipping outdoors if the weather is above 60 degrees so be sure to bring a lawn chair from home. On those Sundays it is too chilly to be outdoors, we will be in our sanctuary, masked and socially distancing. You will be expected to wipe down seats and anything you handle in worship
I think the non-response was pretty suggestive that the great, great majority of our people are yet leery about returning to indoor worship. Be assured that we will continue broadcasting our services via Zoom for the sizeable number of people worshipping with us who choose to stay at home until a later time to return to our sanctuary. We are still waiting on, hoping that, more people will volunteer to be a Zoom camera person.