Yoga Classes-Fridays, June 14, 28, and July 12, 26 at 1:00pm

On Friday, April 19, Shea Carter, a licensed yoga instructor held her first Yoga Class at Cross of Glory. She conducts both floor and chair yoga to accommodate those who don’t find the floor convenient. Those who can do floor exercises, please bring your yoga mat. The class is held every other Friday at 1:00 PM. Shea charges $100 for a 60 minute session so the more people sign up, the lower the individual cost has been! The cost of every yoga class is consequently determined by the number of participants.

Yoga is a healthy exercise and a way to keep us moving, balanced, and enjoying getting together. Thus far, all participants continue to be pleased with the results. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! 

Join us on Friday June 14, 28, July 12 and July 26… at 1:00 PM. For more information, call or text me at my preferred 303-378-2178 or e-mail me at Jan Reich