Sunday, December 20, is the 4th Sunday of Advent – which means we will be celebrating Our Savior’s birth in a few days, December 25!!!
The hymns we will be singing this Sunday are found as you click on the Sunday, December 20, 2020 attachment HERE and OPEN! Immediately you will recognize the loved hymns YOU will be singing! It is helpful if you are able to print these hymns!!! Not only are the melodies beautiful, but the words tell the Christmas story.
The lessons we will be reading on Sunday are:
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38
Look them up in your Bibles before our 10:00 AM Sunday ZOOM worship service, you will get a “preview” of what will be studying!
Thank you, Dave Jones and Pam Lugo, for reading these passages. Also thank you, Lynn Reid, for sharing our Advent reading.