Funeral Family Christmas Remembrance Service Dec 28th 4:00pm

As many of you know, over the past decades, I have served well over 30 funeral homes in the Denver/Metro area, helping families who have lost loved ones while not having a specific church home nor pastor for a funeral. I appreciate the sacred trust as these funeral homes depend on me over the years.

I am hoping that we will have a Funeral Family Christmas Remembrance on Saturday, December 28, at 4:00 PM. There are dozens of funeral families that I have worked with this last year who might be willing to come to Cross of Glory in remembrance of their precious loved ones. Perhaps there are some of you in the congregation that could help as we greet these dear ones in our Fellowship Hall after the 4:00 PM Worship Service. 

Please talk to me about your willingness to help. I know what would mean the world to these funeral families as they continue to mourn their family members.  And perhaps you would want to come and remember any of YOUR saints who have passed before as we hang an ornament on the Cross of Glory Christmas tree in remembrance of them. Please pass the word to other family members and friends so that we can have a good attendance on Saturday, December 28, at 4:00 PM.