EASTER LILIES are being used as Altar Flowers this morning. Thank you for providing them. Please indicate “Lily” when submitting your payment of $15.   

Al and Jean Binks, In Memory of Loved Ones

Bert and Edie Carlson, In Memory of Our Parents

Tom Christy, In Honor of My Maysel

Danny and Vada Danforth, In Memory of Our Parents

Doreen Eubank

Dave and Meridith Jones, In Honor of Christ’s Glory

Korean Baptist Church

Pastors Mike and Barb Lemke, In Memory of our Dads, Bob Lemke and Bob Brunstein

Mary Lemke, In Appreciation and Honor Of My Family

Steve and Jillene Lemke, In Honor of Jillene’s Birthday

Julie Prange

Steve and Lynn Reid, In Memory of Our Loved Ones

Lisa Schmidt, In Memory of Mom and Dad

John and Cherry Test, In Memory of Our Loved Ones