Easter Lilies have been provided by:
Al and Jean Binks
Linda Burk, In Memory of My Parents
Bert and Edie Carlson
Tom and Maysel Christy
Alesia Creason
Doreen Eubank, In Memory of So Many Loved Ones
Theresa Hibbard, In Honor of All Cross of Glory, Memory of Dad, Mom, David, AJ, Mark, Nanny, Howard and Nick
Dave and Meridith Jones, In Memory of Our Daughter-in-law, Jane
Olive Keefer, In Memory of Ken Keefer
Colette Kerlin
Mary Kemke, In Appreciation and Honor of My Family
Pam and Sergio Lugo, In Honor of Lois Swedin
Jim Mueller, In Honor of All of My Family
Craig Pizinski and Don Pieratt
Julie Prange
Steve and Lynn Reid, In Memory of Our Dads
Lisa Schmidt, In Honor of Bea, Pat, Bert and Edie. In Memory of Mom and Dad (Bette and Howard Schmidt) and Shirlee
Don Schwemmer, In Memory of Edith
John and Cherry Test, In Memory of Mike, Polly, Paula and Colin
Gloria Vatne
Pastors Mike and Barb Lemke, In Memory of Our Dads