At the present time, we are in need of a flower lover! The area beyond our big glass windows is in need of some loving care! With the recent moisture we have received, we are noting “growth” of not only flowers, but unwanted weeds! If you would be willing to beautify our view, please visit with Angel Torres. He planted so many of the rose bushes there. He would love to hear about your green thumb and would welcome your help in keeping roses around and weeds from abounding! A big shout out to Carin Davis for planting our remaining Easter lilies in our flower garden! Soon our spring rains will spring up new growth and the flowers will need attention. How about the enthusiasm of our Cross of Glory kids, who after a spirited Earth Day celebration worship service, planted two evergreen trees near our parking lot on the west side of our property! We will enjoy watching the trees (and kids) grow in the many years ahead!