Our congregation reaches out in love to the community, the country and the world. Throughout the year, we reach out to those who have a need. Several years ago, growing out of those needs, Cross of Glory created a Helping Hands Ministry.
Ah, December! The last month of the calendar year, the first month of the church year. Especially during this month, let us start out the new year with those closest to us, our church family. Let’s “Reach Out” to our members, embracing those amongst us who have special needs. Whether it be bringing a meal, driving them to a doctor visit, shoveling their sidewalk, or just sitting and enjoying a cup of tea, please add our church members’ needs to your list of things to do. Also, thinking of all those extra things that need to be done – decorating, shopping, cooking and baking, Christmas cards, and so much more! Is there something, someone we forgot? How about helping others?
If you or someone you know needs Helping Hands support, please contact Pastor Mike. All requests are confidential. Also consider supporting the Helping Hands program with your time or service. If you can help, please let Pastor Mike know of your availability.
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Metro Caring’s
December Items of the Month
Your choice!
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There are always many people in the Denver community who are unable to provide adequate food for their families. Each month Cross of Glory requests a specific food item from our church family to be taken to Metro Caring to help those in need. This December, we are asking everyone to share any food item of YOUR CHOICE knowing it will be used and appreciated. Your donations will bless others in our community. Thank you for sharing.
Lisa Schmidt, Outreach Chairperson