On December 25, people everywhere celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as He “shares” his birthday (and everything else) with the gift of Himself with every one of us. This celebration is observed in many ways and places as we honor someone very dear to ALL of us.
At Cross of Glory, on the third Sunday of each month, we celebrate the birth of dear individuals born during that particular month. December is no exception. Following our worship service, on Sunday, December 19, when we not only will recognize our Lord and Savior, but all of our family and friends from Cross of Glory who too, have birthdays in December by singing Happy Birthday to them. Please plan to be with us, either in our sanctuary or on Zoom, as an “honoree” or participant. With each birthday comes more wisdom – and a chance to celebrate!
We celebrate the DECEMBER birthdays of members of our congregation!
10 Molly Winter
11 Pam Lugo
15 Theresa Hibbard
29 Natalie Wildman