“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son!” The reason for the season is Jesus! Jesus is the greatest of Christmas presents! Christmas is about God choosing to become one of us!
Plan to be with us Friday, December 24, at 4:00 PM in our Cross of Glory sanctuary or in your homes via Zoom for this year’s Christmas Eve Celebration. We hope that offering an early afternoon service will encourage even more children – and their families – to join us for worship and the opportunity to truly enjoy and appreciate a glorious Christmas Eve evening.
Then, the next morning, “Come let us adore Him” AGAIN! Cross of Glory has routinely offered a 10:00 AM Christmas Day Service. Join us again in our sanctuary or in your homes via Zoom Saturday, December 25, at 10:00 AM for yet another opportunity to praise God for the Bethlehem gift that was…and continues to be!
And remember those unable to join us in worship through our Zoom connection or in our sanctuary. Reach out lovingly to them with your phone calls and cards of remembrance and thanksgiving! How lovely it would be to have YOU as a Christmas present to those who may feel detached because of an inability to see your face, to hear your voice or to experience your love personally. Do you have an updated Cross of Glory directory? Is there information of yours that has changed? Talk to Mary Lemke or Pastor Mike as we work harder at staying connected with one another. Thank you!