With the help of ZOOM technology, Steve Reid, Pastor Mike, and YOU, we are thankful we have been able to watch our worship services, Tuesday Night Bible Studies, Church Council and other meetings…at home!  We also wish to thank Julie Blakely, Pam Lugo, Craig Pizinski, Don Pieratt, Angel Torres and Trevor Wilson for volunteering to be at Cross of Glory to help provide the ZOOM services as well.

Observing safety precautions, worship is slowly resuming in our Cross of Glory sanctuary.  However, we will continue providing our ZOOM coverage as well.  If you are not presently participating and want information on how it is done, here is how it works: It begins with your email address.  IF we do NOT have it, please send it to Pastor Mike ( and Mary Lemke (  Prior to the event, information, including a blue link beginning “http.,” will be sent to you for that worship event.  Simply click on the blue link. You should be connected.  If not, give us a call.