Fall activities are being planned. Watch for information next week in our upcoming announcements and September newsletter. Heavenly ministry opportunities…
Greeter: Helen Devantery Ushers: Danny & Vada Danforth Lector: Marcia Hallenbeck Communion: Helen Devantery & Marcia Hallenbeck Children’s Sermon: Julie…
FLOWERS THIS MORNING are sponsored by the Lemke Family “In Loving Memory of Dad.”
CROSS OF GLORY BOOK CLUB: The participants will meet on Tuesday, September 3 at 6:00 PM. They have selected the…
OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT DATE CHANGE: Keep watching the weather forecast, we hope to be watching the movie, The Lion King,…
You have done a marvelous job selecting the hymns that we have sung on the last Sundays of the May,…
There are two more weeks of August. Please remember our outreach efforts: OUR OUTREACH FOCUS FOR AUGUST IS THE LUTHERAN…
Greeter: Lisa Schmidt Ushers: John & Cherry Test Lector: George Frank Communion: Pam Lugo & Lynn Reid Children’s Sermon: Kelli…
Submit your information to lemkemj@comcast.net or leave it in the newsletter slot in the narthex by next Sunday, August 25.…
Beginning at 1:10 PM, our Colorado Rockies play the Miami Marlins. Following the game, GRAMMY-nominated and Dove Award winning singer/songwriter,…
FLOWERS THIS MORNING are sponsored by Pastors Mike and Barb “In Celebration of our 30th Wedding Anniversary.”
OUR OUTREACH FOCUS FOR AUGUST IS THE LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE, an ELCA organization, which strives to bring hope and healing…
The Outreach Committee has designated BABY FOOD, INCLUDING INFANT FORMULA for those less fortunate. Please place your food donations in…
Greeter: George & Bonnie Frank Ushers: Scott Dankenbring & Pat Lemster Lector: Kelli Dankenbring Communion: John & Cherry Test Children’s…
At Cross of Glory, on Saturday morning, August 31, from 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon, you will find our ladies…
You have done a marvelous job selecting the hymns that we have sung on the last Sundays of the May,…
Thank you to all of you who shared our Cross of Glory “Good News” last Tuesday, August 6. We can…
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Tuesday, August 20, at 7:15 PM!
Keep watching the weather forecast, we hope to be watching the movie, The Lion King, outdoors on FRIDAY, AUGUST 23,…
Beginning at 1:10 PM, our Colorado Rockies play the Miami Marlins. Following the game, GRAMMY-nominated and Dove Award winning singer/songwriter,…